Compete Week 2022 is officially in the books — and what a week it was.
If you were registered or in attendance, we’ll be sharing the recorded sessions starting next week.
If you weren’t, we’ll make sure you get your eyes on them too.
Oh and we also launched our first-ever battlecards video series mini-course!
Seven 6-10 minute videos of pure battlecard goodness featuring Klue and industry experts.
It was a huge project that I was lucky enough to be intimately involved in.
To be honest, I didn’t know much about the nitty-gritty of battlecards before starting the project.
But after spending hours and hours learning from Klue and industry experts, I noticed some common themes that came up over and over again.
So in today’s edition of Coffee & Compete, I’ll be sharing with you the top five most important things I’ve learned about battlecards.
Feels weird to have my own face in this email but here it is
Quick wins often come in the form of quick deliverables.
So while I understand why you would work to build as many battlecards as possible, I also need you to stop.
Right away.
Before you start building, ask yourself these three questions:
Getting the answers to these three questions helps focus your efforts on the competitors and card topics that actually matter.
Instead of trying to break the land-speed record for building the most battlecards, take a step back and really focus on the ones that matter.
You’re not a lawyer, you’re a storyteller.
The content on your battlecards needs to be informed by an overarching narrative and positioning of why your company is the best solution.
Too often, battlecard builders resort to bullet point lists used for quick reference.
The battlecards that actually win more deals do not contain simple feature-comparison charts.
Instead, they clearly and concisely identify competitive intel and explain why it matters.
With a common continual thread between battlecards that speaks to your positioning and narrative.
Too many competitive intelligence tools think their only job is to collect external, publicly available intel.
But any compete practitioner worth their salt knows the best, most insightful intel comes from internal sources.
You need two things in place to make that happen though:
1) A culture compete and knowledge sharing within your organization
2) A competitive platform
Three ways you can start building a culture of compete:
Unreliable information is unusable information.
And there are two ways you as a battlecard builder can ensure your content is deemed reliable.
Number one, claims made in your cards need to be backed up with evidence.
(Linking to the facts that back up your claim is the easiest way to do this.)
But the second and arguably simpler way to ensure reliability is by keeping your cards up to date.
Datto’s Director of Competitive Intelligence Dustin Ray says this is a crucial element for him to improve adoption and consumption of his battlecards.
“If the content is out of date and not updated, you’re dead in the water. It’s the number one failure.”
That’s why Dustin and his team set up weekly meetings with important stakeholders (CS, PM, Sales) and review new information that might make its way onto a battlecard.
This isn’t a deep dive — those happen twice a year for all tier-one competitors.
But the weekly meetings provide a forum for intel sharing and verification.
Because if your seller uses outdated intel that you included on a battlecard, you might have lost that seller for life.
Meta as it may be, it stands to reason that a competitive enablement company like Klue would have a competitive enablement manager.
The work Brandon Bedford does is so incredibly valuable not just for us internally, but for the knowledge and tactics he generously shares on a daily basis.
Here’s a taste of what you can expect — and why you should connect — with Brandon.
Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Coffee & Compete. As always, please reach out to me and the rest of the team with your thoughts and feedback. And If you know someone who isn’t already subscribed to Coffee & Compete, be a good friend and tell them about us. |