It was — dare I say — the most fun edition of the Competitive Enablement Show LIVE we’ve ever had.
The community came together and made the chat look and feel more like a rock concert than a Zoom meeting.
(I haven’t been to a rock concert in a long time so my interpretation may be skewed here.)
All of this was going on while Klue’s own Battlecard Boss Dave Washer ran through his most crucial best practices for building better battlecards.
Here are three of the biggest takeaways from the session:
Structure battlecard content leveraging the “breadcrumbing” method
Start with the high-level takeaway that’s most important to your end-user — then link out to resources with more detail. Sellers that don’t need the extra depth can stop at the high-level. Those wanting to learn more can do so as well.
Don’t make content for content’s sake
I get it. Battlecards are a deliverable, and you want to deliver them to show your compete program is doing its job. But building battlecards “just cuz” is a waste of time that will hurt you in the long run. Fast forward to this part of the session to learn what you need to consider before building.
3️⃣ Build your battlecard content using the Know. Say. Show. approach
“I don’t know where to start with battlecards!” We got you. Just follow the Know. Say. Show. method. Ask yourself, what do my reps need to KNOW to shift a customer or prospect’s thinking? What do they need to actually SAY to make that happen? And how do they SHOW the evidence to back up their statement?
Those three takeaways don’t even come close to capturing all the great battlecard conversations that went on during the session. So make sure you head to our Youtube Channel and watch the whole recording here.
Special shoutouts to Kimberly Bauer, Dustin Ray, Zaven Gabriel and everyone else who generously shared their battlecard best practices and knowledge in the chat!
You are the reason why these sessions are so great .
The Know. Say. Show. Method of Battlecard Building |
I am far from an expert battlecard builder. But you know who are expert battlecard builders?
Every single human being on the Klue Insight’s team.
So this’s weeks featured blog comes to you directly from that team’s collective brain.
This one is all about the Know. Say. Show. method that Dave covered in this week’s CE Live.
Here’s an excerpt from the piece:
Actionable (or prescriptive) guidance is content that can be acted upon by your sales team. We’ve discussed some prescriptive battlecard best practices on the blog before – quick dismisses, landmines, and objection handling – and today, I’d like to introduce you to the competitive play.
While other techniques are short snippets, questions, or rebuttals, a competitive play is a more holistic talk track, focused on your business and its value; it tells a story that bullet points can’t tell.
Competitive plays are built on three pillars: Know. Say. Show.
Head on over to our blog and check out the full article to dive deeper.
Not only does it break down each element of Know. Say. Show., it features quotes from experts like Shopify’s Brock Everett and CoachHub’s Anthony Fritsch!
Happy reading.
Nearly every Canadian has a deep fear of and aversion towards self-promotion.
So it’s with great trepidation (and pride) that I share this particular LinkedIn post in this week’s Coffee & Compete Community Corner.
Our hearts go out to every single one of our tech colleagues who have been part of recent layoffs.
We can’t change what happened. But hopefully the Competitive Enablement Jobs board can help you write the next chapter in your professional journey.
Thank you for posting this David! The feeling is mutual.
Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Coffee & Compete. As always, please reach out to me and the rest of the team with your thoughts and feedback. And If you know someone who isn’t already subscribed to Coffee & Compete, be a good friend and tell them about us. |