Your Win-Loss Questions Answered, Win-Loss Resources, CS and the Super Bowl

Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us and it’s time to reflect on the wrenching heartbreak Grayson experienced last year because of his lacklustre win-loss analysis program.

We won’t let you suffer the same fate, because it’s all win-loss all the time this month.

And in today’s installment of ☕️ Coffee & Compete

Tirrah Switzer answers five listener-submitted win-loss questions

A win-loss video playlist to get you through the weekend

CE LIVE registration

A Super Bowl-inspired Coffee & Compete Community Corner

Four hot jobs on the Competitive Enablement Job Board

On y va,


tirrah switzer win loss

☝️ What if we increased our win rates by 1% ☝️

If you can’t demonstrate the ROI of a new initiative, you won’t have much luck getting budget this year. 

At the same time, proving that win-loss and compete programs generate revenue is not always obvious.  

Tirrah made her case by asking a simple question and doing some simple math. 

“If we could improve our win rate by 1%, what does that equal and what does that look like?

It turns out that a one-percent increase equalled a sizeable jump in revenue.

And with that possibility made more tangible by doing the math, Tirrah got the buy-in she needed from sales leadership, and the organization at large.  

Marketing, Product, Demand Gen crave win-loss insights

Yes, yes, you should always start with sales with it comes to enabling your organization with competitive insights. 

But at Community Brands, it’s the demand gen team that consumes the most compete and win-loss content after sales.

How does she use win-loss and competitive insights to enable that team?

“We do a ton of content ideas with our demand gen team: here are great blog articles and white papers that are going to complement all this information that we know from compete.”

Compete pros like Tirrah play a uniquely valuable role in their organizations.

The 360-degree vision of understanding what different departments want and need — and informing those needs with insights collected from prospects and buyers.

You can’t run a win-loss program on your own

This is not some kind of reverse psychology trying to motivate you to try it. 

Tirrah tried to stand up a win-loss program by herself and it was, and I quote, “the most painful experience of my life.” 

The skillsets required to perform win-loss analysis (interviewing, data analysis) are specific, unique and demanding. Not to mention the time and effort it takes to do them both effectively. 

“I have talked to some folks who’ve done it internally and had some success because they had trainers come in and train staff on how to do win-loss interviews. For us, I’d rather just use experts externally, that’s worked fabulous for us.” 

Save yourself the time and headaches and rely on the subject matter experts to get you the valuable win-loss insights you need. 

We know a few win-loss experts you should consider reaching out to.

Our first CE LIVE of the year is happening next week and you can still register 

at to save your seat.

And if you’re looking to sit back, relax and learn about win-loss beforehand, here are some interviews and sessions we know you’re going to love. 

See you next week!

Coffee & Compete Community Corner

“Gameday is every day in CS.” 

Today’s CCCC is dedicated to someone who knows more about customer success than I could ever dream of knowing. 

He took some of that knowledge, filtered it through a football analogy, and wrote one killer LinkedIn post

Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Coffee & Compete. As always, please reach out to me and the rest of the team with your thoughts and feedback. 

And If you know someone who isn’t already subscribed to Coffee & Compete, be a good friend and tell them about us.
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