Competitive intelligence pros who love the sound of their own voice, live in an ivory tower and sound more like philosophy professors than colleagues you’d want to work with.
“There are too many of them.”
That’s according to author and compete pro Phil Britton.
And it’s one of the reasons why he teamed up with two other experts (Zena Applebaum at Thomson Reuters and Alysse Nockels at Palo Alto) to write A Practical Guide to Competitive Intelligence.
All three joined us on this week’s episode of the Competitive Enablement Show to talk about how too much attention gets paid to theoretical, strategic competitive intelligence, and not enough to the practical, tactical side.
One theme came through loud and clear from all three authors: strategic intelligence is not more important than tactical intelligence — so stop pretending like it is.
“What really irritates me about what most people are preaching in CI is ‘you have to be strategic’. We need to stop dismissing tactical as being lesser than.” – Alysse Nockels, Sr. Director, Competitive Intelligence at Palo Alto Networks.
“Tactical to me are the individual Lego bricks and strategic is what you build using each individual brick.” – Phil Britton, Assoc. Director, Sedulo Group
“You have to fast track the building of trust on the tactical level so that you then can be trusted on the strategic level. ” – Zena Applebaum, VP Product Marketing at Thomson Reuters
We’ll scream it until we’re blue in the face — you have to start with tactical support before expanding into other areas for your compete program to be a success.
But don’t take our word for it…
Building a comparison page against your main competitor is simple enough, right?
Your value versus theirs. Compare and contrast. Let the prospect decide.
But who only has one competitor?
In most spaces, you’ll need to prove your value not just against one competitor, but three, four, five and beyond.
Such is the topic of the third episode of the Klue Original series, Compared to What?
Jason and Federico walk you through how Ahrefs piggybacks off the “Semrush vs Moz” keyword to gain traction.
Then Federico shares a great resource he found on seonotebook.
And finally, the pair run through how Cloudways has built an entire comparison hub to make it easy for prospects to exhaust all their comparative options.
Check out the full episode on the Compete Network and you can find this one and past episodes here.
Sending a very warm Canadian welcome to one of our favourite Belgians, Hologic’s Senior Product Marketing Manager Lynn Ryon.
You couldn’t have picked a better, more food-filled time to visit!
Come visit us again soon, eh?
Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Coffee & Compete. As always, please reach out to me and the rest of the team with your thoughts and feedback. And If you know someone who isn’t already subscribed to Coffee & Compete, be a good friend and tell them about us. |