Three-way Comparison Pages (Ahrefs vs. Semrush and Moz, Seonotebook, Cloudways) | Ep. 3

Building a comparison page against your primary competitor is simple enough.

Use an SEO optimized title (us versus them), compare and contrast, and prove that you’re the better choice. But what if you have more than one competitor?

In this episode of Compared to What, Federico and Jason dive into three-way comparison pages. First they look at how Ahrefs built a comparison page against Semrush and Moz (2:00).

Then Federico shares some amazing resources he uses from seonotebook (5:29).

And finally, they look at how Cloudways built an entire comparison hub to make it easy for potential customers to decide for themselves which is the best option (23:00).

About Compared to What?

“Compared to What?”, is a show where hosts Federico Jorge (Founder of StackAgainst) and Jason Oakley (Senior Director of Product Marketing at Klue) give their opinions on the good, the bad, and the ugly of comparison pages as you learn what and what not to do when it comes time for you to make your own.

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