Coda Head of Product Marketing, Beth McGrath on Product Marketing KPIs


01:14 – Opening Question: Can you take us back to a moment in your career or life where you had to step outside of your comfort zone? What was the experience like, and how did it contribute to your personal or professional growth?
06:57 – What is your role like as a Head of Product Marketing at Coda?
13:21 – How do you achieve work/life balance?
26:41 – How should product marketing split feature adoption KPIs with the product team (for B2B self-serve SaaS)?
27:44 – What are the top three KPIs for Product Marketing and how do you track/measure them?
30:16 – Are you using OKRs to align your team’s efforts to the company goals?
32:48 – What do you know now that you wish you knew then?


Want more insights from Beth? Check out her Sharebird Profile.
Looking to connect? You can find Beth here on LinkedIn.

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